Billing information changes and invoiced currency changes
You can change your billing information and email address to send invoices by sending a request to your account manager or to general email Invoices can be issued in the following currencies: CZK, EUR, PLN, RON, HUF, BGN, GBP, SEK. Invoices can be currently issued in the following languages: EN, CS, SK, PL, HU, RO, IT, HR, SL, SV, BG, EL. Documents can be sent to one or more email addresses. |
Change of your XML feed
You can change the XML feed address by sending a request to your account manager or to the general FAVI email address particular to your country. Before sending, make sure that the submitted XML feed meets all the necessary elements according to the XML feed specification and is available for download from other IP addresses (It does not report a 403 Forbidden error when open it). The current XML feed that you are sending us can be found in the "Settings" tab, under the "XML feed" sub-tab. |
Change account accesses
Please contact your account manager if you need to edit accesses to the shop dashboard. He or she will also help you grant access to your administrators or agency. You can have multiple accesses linked to the same account. First, register a new user in the FAVI system. Then we can grant access.
Links for new user registrations are below: