Important! FAVI brings new features - disabling of products and more relevant traffic from product detail (06/2024)

Disabling of individual products

To optimize your campaign more effectively, we have now introduced the ability to disable/enable the display of individual products directly in the partner dashboard. Products will be hidden for a maximum of 30 days, after which time they will be automatically restored and returned to the catalog.

What are the main advantages of this feature?

  • You can easily manipulate products without having to modify product feeds.
  • You can return deactivated categories to the catalog and focus only on deactivating specific products.

Therefore, we recommend checking the state of the displayed products and adjusting the campaign settings.

This feature can be found in the Bidding on products section, where you can filter products not only by price and name, but also by category and current visibility status.

New product detail = better quality traffic

We would also like to inform you about upcoming news on FAVI. As part of the product changes, we are finalizing a redesign of the product detail, which we will then make more accessible to FAVI visitors. In the current catalog setup, we only drive a small fraction of our total traffic through the detail, which we plan to change gradually. 

What does this mean for you? 

The main benefit is a significant improvement in the quality of the delivered traffic. Visitors will see a higher resolution image of the product directly on the detail, the information you send to the feed (description, parameters, additional images, etc.), and possibly also product reviews. This information will help the visitor to make a purchase decision and thus you will ultimately get a more motivated visitor to buy from the product detail.

Make sure you send as much product information and photos to the feed as possible. On the partner dashboard under Campaign Optimization -> Product Data Quality, you can see the number of active products with incomplete data. We also recommend activating FAVI Extra to collect product reviews if you haven't already done so.   

What changes will take place? 

In addition to the minimum CPC from the catalog listing, there will be a new minimum CPC from the detail, which will be dynamically set in relation to the minimum CPC from the listing according to the specific category. As part of this change, the maximum limit for increasing the minimum CPC over a 30-day period will also be removed to give us even more flexibility to respond to market changes.

There will also be a new "where to buy" tab on the product detail page comparing offers from up to 3 sellers based on the score of the product with a click-through to the store. The first product in the list will always be the one with the highest score. The main reason for this change is to expand FAVI's marketing options to ensure you have the widest possible customer portfolio.

You can already see what the product detail will look like HERE 

We will display the product detail gradually and sensitively in order to maintain the stability of your campaigns as much as possible. The introduction of the new form of the product detail is planned for 1 July 2024, and individual changes may take effect during July.