Discount codes

As a part of campaign optimization, you’ll find a "Discount codes" tab. Here, you can enter a promo code for all your products or only for selected items in your offer.

What can you find in this tab?

In the tab, you’ll find a button to add a new discount code and an overview of all discount codes you've previously entered into the system.

The first table shows information on all upcoming, currently active, and expired codes. For each code, we display the campaign title, the discount code itself, the validity period, and the current status of the code (expired, active, future). Future and active codes can be edited in detail or deleted from the list, while expired codes are available for viewing only.

In a separate table, you can see the deleted discount codes—codes that were never displayed in the catalog or were removed during their validity period.


Adding a code to the system

On the homepage of the Discount code tab, you'll find the "Create new" button, which opens a form to enter details for the new discount code.

In the form, always provide the discount campaign name, that will be visible only to you in your store overview and will remain hidden from customers. Next, you need to enter the code itself, which customers will enter in the cart on your e-shop. The code must be between 4 and 16 characters long, without spaces or special characters. It’s also necessary to specify the validity period (from–to), during which the code will be displayed for products in our catalog. The discount value can be entered as a percentage or a specific amount.

In the second part of the form, select the products included in the campaign. You have several options for selecting which products will feature the discount code, based on:

  • Product price - set a minimum and maximum price range
  • Product category - select categories you want to include in the campaign. The default setting is for all categories, but you can select only specific ones if desired. To select multiple categories, hold down the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard while selecting


Displaying codes in the catalog

Products covered by an active discount code will display a relevant label. These products can also be filtered in the catalog.


Frequently Asked Questions

We offer various discount levels depending on the order value. How should I enter this type of discount?
In this case, you’ll need to enter different codes into the system. Discount codes for specific values will only appear for individual products based on their price range. However, each code must be unique (the code text cannot be repeated).


We decided not to run the promotion, but I've already entered the discount in the system. Can I remove the code?
Yes, you can cancel the discount code before it becomes active. In that case, the code will appear in the "Deleted discount codes" table and won’t be displayed with products.


Can I adjust the discount settings in the system after it’s been entered?
Adjusting the code conditions is possible before it becomes active. You can change any values you initially entered when adding the code to the system.


Will the discount code affect the position of my products in the catalog?
Yes, products with promo codes will have better positions in the catalog, similar to products marked as discounted on FAVI.


Where can customers enter the discount code on FAVI to see the final product price?
Customers can apply the code only in your cart. But for each product labeled with a promo code, we display the price after the discount is applied.


Will FAVI prioritize products with discount codes in its marketing?
In our marketing efforts, we plan to consider whether a discount code is available for a product. Products with available discount codes will be prioritized in our marketing communication.