What UTM do we add to FAVI clicks?

UTM parameters are used to track conversions and visits in Google Analytics from individual marketing sources. We automatically add them to each click from the product in the FAVI catalogue to your site.

For example, an URL address that is spread by the FAVI UTM parameter looks like this:


Within this URL, after the question mark, you can see various parameters:

  • utm_source represents FAVI as the source of the visit, the domain of the given country is always added, i.e. favi.xy
  • utm_medium identifies FAVI as a paid CPC source,
  • utm_campaign specifies  the individual category of the clicked product,
  • utm_term is used to specify the clicks within our system.

Ideally, FAVI visits in your Google Analytics should belong to the favi / cpc source according to the appropriate category based on utm_campaign. To verify that the UTM parameters are written correctly, you can try to click on one of your products from the loaded menu on FAVI and check the address line. 

Defective record of visits can be caused by redirection settings. When the visit is not attributed directly to the source favi / cpc but instead to the source favi / referral, this causes problems, as the referral source includes visits gained via FAVI (the previous source was the FAVI catalog) but not targeted through UTM parameters. As a result, performance statistics (COS and direct sales / number of transactions) are not displayed accurately on the shop dashboard.

Clicks from FAVI are automatically charged in the system and you can see them in your shop dashboard. However, the total number of clicks is not affected by the accuracy of the UTM, so the clicks for which the UTM is removed or perhaps inaccurate are still charged.